Robokit Level 5

This in-depth course uses Bluetooth technology for near field communication. It is possible to use the newly added Bluetooth controller for various contests, of which speedy key actions provide the competitive feeling of competing in a contest.


  • Robotic Kits including all necessary hardware
  • X1 Workbook per level
  • An exclusive GUI application Rogic can be downloaded and used for coding
  • X7 Levels to purchase
  • Our circuit module-oriented approach encompasses comprehensive education on sensor, electronic, mechanical, and computer technologies, extending beyond simple assembly methods
  • Workbooks include simple assembling instructions and are configured to review and check key concepts learned before going to the next level
  • Block coding via PC and other smart devices (wired communication & Bluetooth) for programming algorithms in a flowchart type method.
  • Exclusive GUI (Graphical User Interface) application “Rogic”